World Exhibition of Telecommunications

Edgar Reinhard

IBM was the first Computercompany which entered th Telephonmarket

Images of World Exhibition of Telecommunications

      Edgar Reinhard, Switzerland (1982)

      Human Practicality Serves Human Emotion Edgar Reinhard s Work is remarkable: powerful, memorable and imaginativ. But perhaps the most extraordinary thing about Reinhard is that he is still toweringly succesful...

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      • World Exhibition of Telecommunications, 1979

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      IBM was the first Computercompany which entered th Telephonmarket

      • Client:

      • IB
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      Human Practicality Serves Human Emotion

      Edgar Reinhard s Work is remarkable: powerful, memorable and imaginativ. But perhaps the most extraordinary thing about Reinhard is that he is still toweringly succesful at a time when some marketing and communications people might feel that there is no need for this kind of work at all.
      Surely, the grand set piece show stand cannot be an integral part of a corporate whole. Although it may have a secondary role in bringing people together, in a world of
      coordination integrated marketing and communications, it must surely be a costly irrelevance. And this is where Reinhard s skill, perhaps amounting to genius, emerges .di
      He manages to keep his work relevant, powerful and at the heart of his clients mind set. And this of course is not only a tribute tot h work of Reinhard, but to the wisdom of his clients.Chemical

      Wally Olins, London



      Nomadic Architecture


      • Edgar Reinhard

      Lars Muller Publishers

      Exhibition Design Trade Shows Marketing Events




      • Postgraduate

      1995 – 2007

      • University of Applied Sciences OWL Department of Architecture and Space Design (Germany)
      • ()



      Visual Communications


      • Ohio State University, Coumbus Dept. of Industrial Design, USA


      • IBM Switzerland Zurich Communications Department

        1964 – 1972

      • Dow Chemical Europe Exhibition Consultant

        1972 – 1983

      • IBM Europe Paris Competence Center, Graphic Design Consultant

        1973 – 1976


      Art Directors Club Gold Awards