Martin Woodtli, Switzerland

AGI member since 2000

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Founded his own studio in Zurich in 1999. With idiosyncratic visual experiments
an approaches he quickly made his mark within the international design scene and won several
design awards. Within a competition for the new Swiss banknote series
he was nominated second prize and received an invitation for the final round. 2007 he got the
«designpreis schweiz» first price.
Martin Woodtli is associated with a young swiss design scene, running their studios mainly with
an emphasis on passion and joy for design, rather than monetary interests. Woodtli seems to live
after a quote from brian eno’s diary: to do something as persistently and sedulously as no one
else would do, is a good way of creating something unique. His work manifests itself in complex
typographic arrangements and dense, manicly layered patterns of everyday objects.

Design work by Martin Woodtli

    Martin Woodtli, Switzerland (2000)

    Founded his own studio in Zurich in 1999. With idiosyncratic visual experiments an approaches he quickly made his mark within the international design scene and won several design awards. Within...

    Read full biography
    Martin Woodtli, Switzerland (2000)

    Founded his own studio in Zurich in 1999. With idiosyncratic visual experiments
    an approaches he quickly made his mark within the international design scene and won several
    design awards. Within a competition for the new Swiss banknote series
    he was nominated second prize and received an invitation for the final round. 2007 he got the
    «designpreis schweiz» first price.
    Martin Woodtli is associated with a young swiss design scene, running their studios mainly with
    an emphasis on passion and joy for design, rather than monetary interests. Woodtli seems to live
    after a quote from brian eno’s diary: to do something as persistently and sedulously as no one
    else would do, is a good way of creating something unique. His work manifests itself in complex
    typographic arrangements and dense, manicly layered patterns of everyday objects.





    Die Gestalten Verlag

    Swiss Martin Woodtli´s works stand out in the category graphic design. Woodtli exhausts the many possibilties that computer technology, print techniques and color offer. He unconventionally uses 3D-software to create dynamic, extremely detailed, constructed and colorful 3D-graphics. Combined with multilayered vector graphics /colors and presented isometrically, Woodtli´s unique aesthetics and very own microcosm speak their own experimental and futuristic language.


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