Loes van Esch, Netherlands

AGI member since 2022

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Loes van Esch is, together with Simone Trum, collaborating as a graphic design studio Team Thursday, based in Rotterdam. They focus on the design of visual identities, books and spatial objects. They do so with a special interest for typography, a curiousness for materials and the possible performativity of an object. Looking for patterns in everything and all around them, they search for how they can transform these into designs. Next to that they regularly teach Typography at ArtEZ in Arnhem and irregularly host exhibitions and events in the front part of their studiospace, TTHQ.

Design work by Loes van Esch

    Loes van Esch, Netherlands (2022)

    Loes van Esch is, together with Simone Trum, collaborating as a graphic design studio Team Thursday, based in Rotterdam. They focus on the design of visual identities, books and spatial...

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    Loes van Esch, Netherlands (2022)

    Loes van Esch is, together with Simone Trum, collaborating as a graphic design studio Team Thursday, based in Rotterdam. They focus on the design of visual identities, books and spatial objects. They do so with a special interest for typography, a curiousness for materials and the possible performativity of an object. Looking for patterns in everything and all around them, they search for how they can transform these into designs. Next to that they regularly teach Typography at ArtEZ in Arnhem and irregularly host exhibitions and events in the front part of their studiospace, TTHQ.

