Hans Peter Hoch, Germany

AGI member since 1974

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Trained as repro-photographer. Attended the Höhere Fachschule für das Grafi sche Gewerbe and subsequently studied painting at the Akademie für Bildende Künste Bernstein and Stuttgart. His work encompasses the design of publications and exhibitions for the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (IFA), promoted by the Federal Foreign Office. Other projects include: design and realization of the German Resistance Memorial Centre, Berlin (permanent exhibition ‘Resistance to National Socialism’), design and visualization of literary museums as G.W.F. Hegel, Bertolt Brecht, Martin Heidegger, Hermann Hesse and Max Eyth, as well as the reading room of the library of the Erzabtei Kloster Beuron. In 1985 Hoch was appointed professor by the state of Baden-Württemberg. In 1988 he won the Stankowski Foundation award for lifetime achievement in art and design. Hoch has received various honours in national and international contests. He lives and works in Baltmannsweiler near Stuttgart.

Design work by Hans Peter Hoch

    Hans Peter Hoch, Germany (1974)

    Hans Peter Hoch studied at the Höhere Fachschule für Grafisches Gewerbe in Stuttgart and at the Arbeitsgemeinschaft bildende Künste in Berlin from 1946–49. He worked for the investment industry...

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    Hans Peter Hoch, Germany (1974)

    Trained as repro-photographer. Attended the Höhere Fachschule für das Grafi sche Gewerbe and subsequently studied painting at the Akademie für Bildende Künste Bernstein and Stuttgart. His work encompasses the design of publications and exhibitions for the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (IFA), promoted by the Federal Foreign Office. Other projects include: design and realization of the German Resistance Memorial Centre, Berlin (permanent exhibition ‘Resistance to National Socialism’), design and visualization of literary museums as G.W.F. Hegel, Bertolt Brecht, Martin Heidegger, Hermann Hesse and Max Eyth, as well as the reading room of the library of the Erzabtei Kloster Beuron. In 1985 Hoch was appointed professor by the state of Baden-Württemberg. In 1988 he won the Stankowski Foundation award for lifetime achievement in art and design. Hoch has received various honours in national and international contests. He lives and works in Baltmannsweiler near Stuttgart.