Antonio Morillas i Verdura, Spain

AGI member since 1966

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Morillas i Verdura was a passionate, serious man, capable of confronting any challenge. He started as a theatre director and screenwriter for various films. However, his career as a graphic designer began in the Seix y Barral publishing company; he then founded his own studio in 1962, which went on to become Morillas Brand Design. He collaborated with pharmaceutical firms (Sandoz, Wander) and textile companies (Tutti Frutti, Bugatti, Roura). He also designed a cover for the Japanese magazine IDEA (1972) and the Diagonal typeface (1973). He was a founding member and vice-president of Grafistas FAD in 1961, and Honorary Professor of Advertising and Plastic Arts at the Escola Massana in Barcelona. He participated in national and international graphics exhibitions: among them ‘Art de la segona meitat del segle XX’, Catalonia; Typomundus, Los Angeles; and University of Honolulu. He received two Delta awards from ADI-FAD and LAUS awards from ADG-FAD up to 1983, the year of his death.

Design work by Antonio Morillas i Verdura

    Antonio Morillas i Verdura, Spain (1966)

    Antonio Morillas i Verdura was a passionate, serious man, capable of confronting any challenge. He started as a theatre director and screenwriter for various films. However, his career as a...

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    Antonio Morillas i Verdura, Spain (1966)

    Morillas i Verdura was a passionate, serious man, capable of confronting any challenge. He started as a theatre director and screenwriter for various films. However, his career as a graphic designer began in the Seix y Barral publishing company; he then founded his own studio in 1962, which went on to become Morillas Brand Design. He collaborated with pharmaceutical firms (Sandoz, Wander) and textile companies (Tutti Frutti, Bugatti, Roura). He also designed a cover for the Japanese magazine IDEA (1972) and the Diagonal typeface (1973). He was a founding member and vice-president of Grafistas FAD in 1961, and Honorary Professor of Advertising and Plastic Arts at the Escola Massana in Barcelona. He participated in national and international graphics exhibitions: among them ‘Art de la segona meitat del segle XX’, Catalonia; Typomundus, Los Angeles; and University of Honolulu. He received two Delta awards from ADI-FAD and LAUS awards from ADG-FAD up to 1983, the year of his death.