Anja Kaiser, Germany

AGI member since 2019

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Anja Kaiser engages with the appropriation of resistant media, undisciplined graphic methods, and a ‘messy’ design history. In self-initiated projects, she addresses feminist topics and explores alternative narratives and porous tools in graphic design. In doing so, she examines the intersections between design, music, and forms of digital self-empowerment. She operates within activist circles, subcultural scenes, and seeks spaces for social participation and co-creation. From 2021 to 2023, Anja Kaiser held an interim professorship in the Typography class at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig. From 2014 to 2018, she worked as an artistic associate in the field of type and typography at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle. She is regularly invited to give lectures and workshops. The project “Sexed Realities—To Whom Do I Owe My Body?” was awarded at the Design Biennale in Brno in 2017. In the same year, she received the INFORM Prize from the Gallery for Contemporary Art Leipzig, an award for conceptual design. In 2020, Le Signe – National Center for Graphic Design in Chaumont dedicated a comprehensive exhibition to her autonomous and applied design practice.

Design work by Anja Kaiser

    Anja Kaiser, Germany (2019)

    Anja Kaiser engages with the appropriation of resistant media, undisciplined graphic methods, and a ‘messy’ design history. In self-initiated projects, she addresses feminist topics and explores alternative narratives and porous...

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    Anja Kaiser, Germany (2019)

    Anja Kaiser engages with the appropriation of resistant media, undisciplined graphic methods, and a ‘messy’ design history. In self-initiated projects, she addresses feminist topics and explores alternative narratives and porous tools in graphic design. In doing so, she examines the intersections between design, music, and forms of digital self-empowerment. She operates within activist circles, subcultural scenes, and seeks spaces for social participation and co-creation. From 2021 to 2023, Anja Kaiser held an interim professorship in the Typography class at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig. From 2014 to 2018, she worked as an artistic associate in the field of type and typography at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle. She is regularly invited to give lectures and workshops. The project “Sexed Realities—To Whom Do I Owe My Body?” was awarded at the Design Biennale in Brno in 2017. In the same year, she received the INFORM Prize from the Gallery for Contemporary Art Leipzig, an award for conceptual design. In 2020, Le Signe – National Center for Graphic Design in Chaumont dedicated a comprehensive exhibition to her autonomous and applied design practice.