Andreas Uebele, Germany

AGI member since 2007

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andreas uebele, born in 1960, studied architecture and urban planning at the university of stuttgart, and art at the stuttgart state academy of art and design. in 1996, he founded his own visual communications agency in stuttgart, and since 1998 has been a professor for communications design at düsseldorf university of applied sciences. in the same year he became a member of forum typografie. andreas uebele has been a member of the type directors club of new york and of the art directors club of new york since 2002. since 2007 he has been a member of agi, alliance graphique internationale, and since 2009 a member of the bdg, the association of german communication designers, in 2015 he held scholarship for practitioners at villa massimo, rome.

Design work by Andreas Uebele

    Andreas Uebele, Germany (2007)

    andreas uebele, born in 1960, studied architecture and urban planning at the university of stuttgart, and art at the stuttgart state academy of art and design. in 1996, he founded...

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    Andreas Uebele, Germany (2007)

    andreas uebele, born in 1960, studied architecture and urban planning at the university of stuttgart, and art at the stuttgart state academy of art and design. in 1996, he founded his own visual communications agency in stuttgart, and since 1998 has been a professor for communications design at düsseldorf university of applied sciences. in the same year he became a member of forum typografie. andreas uebele has been a member of the type directors club of new york and of the art directors club of new york since 2002. since 2007 he has been a member of agi, alliance graphique internationale, and since 2009 a member of the bdg, the association of german communication designers, in 2015 he held scholarship for practitioners at villa massimo, rome.



    orientation systems and signage


    german edition: hermann schmidt mainz // english edition: thames & hudson // chinese edition: china youth press, new century publishing corporation peking

    a planning manual for architects, product designers and communications designers rule number 1: no textbook or manual can ever obviate the need to think for yourself. rule number 2: every infringement of current rules is a step towards good design. german edition: 336 pages euro 89,–/sfr 145,– isbn 978-3-87439-674-5 english edition: signage systems & information graphics – a professional source book isbn 9780500288481

    weg zeichen/my type of place


    hermann schmidt mainz

    with contributions by jacques blumer atelier 5, uwe loesch, wilfried korfmacher, karin sander 400 pages eur 45.-/sfr 75.- isbn 3-87439-645-2

    alphabet innsbruck


    hermann schmidt mainz

    the place is characterised by a combination of odour, light, colour and lettering: bright colourful type, cast metal letters, names engraved in plaster, messages and paintings sprayed on surfaces capture the characteristic visual scent of a city. you don't perceive them as shapes but as information. you read the signs but fail to identify their messages. in the book »alphabet innsbruck« these hidden stories become visible. 180 pages eur 28,– isbn 978-3-87439-785-8

    schrift und identität



    edited by johannes eckert, christian fischer, ilona pfeifer, philipp schäfer and andreas uebele. with text contributions by florian adler, indra kupferschmid, sven neumann and albert-jan pool. niggli, 2013 300 pages 38,00 eur isbn 978-3-7212-0820-7

    no detail michael held 27 häuser



    michael held was a man of letters. he recorded his thoughts in notebooks where he made a collage of them with tickets to exhibitions and all kinds of small treasures: there are photos clipped from magazines, of items of clothing, bicycles, tables and above all houses. the material for this monograph of his work – a collection of plans, computer drawings, sketches and photos – has been assembled in blank »diaries«. niggli, 2011 280 pages 49,80 eur isbn 978-3-7212-0812-2

    schrift im raum


    verlag hermann schmidt mainz

    the first monograph of andreas uebele's work with a foreword by kurt weidemann. 256 pages isbn 3-87439-494-8 sold out, there are a few last copies left in the office. get in touch if you are interested.




    • Undergraduate,  
    • Postgraduate

    1998 – today

    • Hochschule Düsseldorf (Germany)