Walker without Walls

Andrew Satake Blauvelt

Images of Walker without Walls

  1. Image 1 — Andrew Blauvelt Walker-without-Walls 2004 (Walker without Walls)

    Andrew Satake Blauvelt, USA (2007)

    • Walker without Walls, 2004

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    Andrew Satake Blauvelt, USA (2007)



    With Eyes Opened: Cranbrook Academy of Art Since 1932


    • Andrew Satake Blauvelt

    Cranbrook Art Museum

    Comprehensive history of Cranbrook Academy of Art which was founded in 1932 and has operated as one of the few exclusively postgraduate art and design schools in the world. Often referred to as the American Bauhaus and the "cradle of mid-century modernism" in the US.

    Graphic Design: Now in Production


    • Andrew Satake Blauvelt,
    • Ellen Lupton

    Walker Art Center

    Survey of the state of graphic design circa 2010 across many different forms of practice including information design, type design, motion graphics, branding and identity systems, posters, books, magazines, and products created by graphic designers.


    • 2009

    National Design Award for Institutional or Corporate Achievement
    • 2022

    AIGA Medal
    • 2016

    AIGA Minnesota Design Fellow