Une Saison Graphique 18

Lizá Défossez Ramalho

Images of Une Saison Graphique 18

  1. Image 1 — Havre2018 120x175AF (Une Saison Graphique 18)

    Lizá Défossez Ramalho, Portugal (2007)

    Lizá Defossez Ramalho founded R2, a Porto-based design studio, with Artur Rebelo, in 1995. She has secured international recognition for her multi-dimensional design and creative work, which encompasses a range...

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    Lizá Défossez Ramalho, Portugal (2007)

    Lizá Defossez Ramalho founded R2, a Porto-based design studio, with Artur Rebelo, in 1995. She has secured international recognition for her multi-dimensional design and creative work, which encompasses a range of formats including museum signage systems and architecture as well as branding and traditional print media. She has received a number of important awards from ISTD (Premier), SEGD (Honor), Brno Biennial (Grand Prix) and TDC (Certificate of Excellence in Typography and Judge's Choice), among other international competitions.

    Ramalho has lectured in major European design schools and also curates design exhibitions, with her own work having been exhibited in design biennales worldwide and included in the permanent collections of institutions, such as Museum für Gestaltung (Zurich), Heritage Museum (Hong Kong), National Hangeul Museum (Seoul), Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, Japan International Poster Museum (Ogaki) ou Deutsches Plakat Museum (Essen).

    A graduate of Communication Design and currently finishing a PhD at Faculty of Fine Arts of University of Barcelona, Ramalho has been an AGI member since 2007, and was chairperson of AGI Congress and Open Porto, 2010.



    Letters on Landscape


    • Lizá Défossez Ramalho,
    • Artur Rebelo

    Dados Favoritos – Associação

    Process is the Project


    • Lizá Défossez Ramalho,
    • Artur Rebelo,
    • Paula Scher,
    • André Tavares,
    • Michael Beirute

    Dados Favoritos – Associação

    Notas sobre Projectos, Espaços e Vivências


    • Lizá Défossez Ramalho,
    • Artur Rebelo

    Arte Capital


    Unfinished Trajectories


    • Lizá Défossez Ramalho,
    • Artur Rebelo




    Assistant professor

    • Postgraduate

    2009 – 2014

    • ()
    • Faculty of Sciences and Technology (University of Coimbra) (Portugal)

