The Letter Z

Tom Geismar

Images of The Letter Z

  1. Image 1 — Tom Geismar The-Letter-Z 1994 (The Letter Z)

    Tom Geismar, USA (1975)

    Tom Geismar is a founding principal of Chermayeff & Geismar, and widely considered a pioneer of American graphic design. During the past four decades he has designed more than a...

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    • The Letter Z, 1994

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    Tom Geismar, USA (1975)

    Tom Geismar is a founding principal of Chermayeff & Geismar, and widely considered a pioneer of American graphic design. During the past four decades he has designed more than a hundred corporate identity programmes. His designs for Xerox, Chase Manhattan Bank, Best Products, Gemini Consulting, PBS, Univision, Rockefeller Center and, most notably, Mobil Oil have received worldwide acclaim. Tom has also been responsible for many of the firm’s exhibition designs and pavilions. Burlington Industries’ ‘The Mill’ was a major NYC tourist attraction for 10 years as today are the Ellis Island Immigration Museum, the Statue of Liberty Museum, and the recently opened Truman Presidential Library. Tom Geismar concurrently attended the Rhode Island School of Design and Brown University. A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Brown, he received a masters in graphic design from Yale University, School of Art and Architecture.