The Bomb and the General

Eugenio Carmi

Children's book by Eugenio Carmi and Umberto Eco

Images of The Bomb and the General

  1. Image 1 — Carmi la bomba (The Bomb and the General)

    Eugenio Carmi, Italy (1955)
    • The Bomb and the General, 1966

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    Children's book by Eugenio Carmi and Umberto Eco

    Eugenio Carmi, Italy (1955)

    After studying to be a painter in Turin under the direction of Felice Casorati, Eugenio Carmi moved over to graphic art. From 1958 until 1964 he was consultant to Italsider, Italy's nationalized steel industry. He experimented with enamels on steel and work in welded steel. As a painter, he combined art and industry by inviting noted artists like Calder and Chadwick to make monumental steel sculptures. These were put up in the streets as part of the Spoleto festival. In 1964 he founded the Gruppo Cooperativo di Baccadasse. He worked ith artists like Max Bill, Victor Vasarely, photographers, critics and architects. One of the most signigicant stages of his artistic career was the Venice Biennale in 1966.
    He published many books; his first publication, Stripsody, was produced with Cathy Berberian and Umberto Eco. He did early experimental television work for RAI in 1973 – 74. In the same period a book was published, Eugenio Carmi, una pitture di paesaggio by Umberto Eco.