REX_EX, poster

István Horkay

Images of REX_EX, poster

  1. Image 1 — REX EX2021 (REX_EX, poster)

    István Horkay, Hungary (2017)

    Also noted a painter, applied graphic artist, and filmmaker, Horkay mastered his mature and confident technical knowledge in a pluralistic artistic environment pregnant with a variety of styles and trends...

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    • REX_EX, poster, 2021

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    István Horkay, Hungary (2017)

    Also noted a painter, applied graphic artist, and filmmaker, Horkay mastered his mature and confident technical knowledge in a pluralistic artistic environment pregnant with a variety of styles and trends. The message of his surreal posters, which move the viewer’s imagination, is carried by the unstable symmetry of compositional elements forced into strict equilibrium situations, but also playfully tilted out of them. It follows from the picturesque inspiration of Horkay’s works that typography never becomes an integral part of pictorial representation. The texts function as a reference field, giving the key to interpreting what is seen. The characters in the posters are typically Central European, Kafkaesque figures who are the heroes of the fictional mythology of our subconscious world. The metaphorical language of the posters is given by the prolific interplay of seemingly contradictory, yet brought into symbiosis, or assmbled like elements of a collage.
    His particular graphics, collages, photo transcripts and experimental motion pictures have been associated with postmodern imaging. He has worked as a designer in several films by Peter Greenaway.