Reconstruction of Globe Theatre

Theo Crosby

Reconstruction of the Globe Theatre, London, 1980s and early 1990s.

Images of Reconstruction of Globe Theatre

  1. Image 1 — Crosby 02 (Reconstruction of Globe Theatre)
  2. Image 2 — Crosby 03 (Reconstruction of Globe Theatre)

    Theo Crosby, UK (1966)

    Theo Crosby’s studies at the University of Witwatersrandin in Johannesburg (1940–47) were interrupted by WW2 military duties, and were continued in London at Sir John Cass School, the Central School...

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    • Reconstruction of Globe Theatre, 1990

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    Reconstruction of the Globe Theatre, London, 1980s and early 1990s.

    Theo Crosby, UK (1966)

    Crosby’s studies (1940–47) at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg were interrupted by WW2 military duties, and were continued in London at Sir John Cass School, the Central School of Art and Crafts and St Martin’s School of Art (1947–56). 1962 found him in charge of the Taylor Woodrow Construction Company, and creating a special design group, employing the six founders of the Archigram movement that dominated the architectural avantgarde through the 1960s and early 1970s. Theo joined Fletcher/Forbes/Gill (1965) in the design partnership that would become Pentagram, of which he was a co-founder. He taught at RCA, and held fellowships with RIBA, SIAD, the Berlin Academy of Arts and the Royal Academy. He had several exhibitions and commissions including planning, conservation and interiors, with larger building appointments in the 90s. Arguably Theo’s achievement of greatest renown was his intensive involvement in the reconstruction of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London.