
Jean Carlu

Poster for Perrier, 1950.

Images of Perrier

  1. Image 1 — Carlu 02 (Perrier)

    Jean Carlu, France (1952)

    Jean Carlu originally trained as an architect. He began as a graphic designer in France after the First World War. He was one of the avant-garde group launching the new...

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    • Perrier, 1950

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    Poster for Perrier, 1950.

    • Client:

    • Perrier
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    • Illustration
    • Poster
    Jean Carlu, France (1952)

    Originally trained as an architect, he decided to become a graphic designer after he lost his right hand in a traffi c accident. He was one of the avantgarde who launched the new European poster. His early works reveal a fascination for geometric forms and minimal text, inspired by cubists like Juan Gris and Fernand Léger and surrealists like André Breton and Yves Tanguy. He also started to try new developments like photomontage (Atlantis film poster, 1932) and three-dimensional elements (La Grand Maison de Blanc department store, 1933). His political and social commitment was evident in his work for the peace movement (Le Désarmement, 1932 and Stop Hitler Now, 1940). There Carlu created his most famous poster, America’s Answer! Production. It was voted as poster of the year by the NADC. Back in France (1953) he became art director for Larousse and made a great contribution to commercial art, working for Air France and Firestone France.