Música de Chuteiras

Flávia Nalon

Música de Chuteiras (the sound of Soccer Cleats) was an exhibition about music related to World Cups, from national anthems to popular songs, of both international and Brazilian production. The design gives the songs form and spatial presence, as if people were singing them. In order to achieve that, the text was modulated like a football crowd in a stadium, setting each line of text very close to each other on an irregular path. Exhibition design by Álvaro Razuk and Isa Gebara.

Images of Música de Chuteiras

  1. Image 1 — 06 ps2 work MusicaDeChuteiras 01 (Música de Chuteiras)

    Flávia Nalon, Brazil (2013)

    Flávia Nalon graduated as architect at the Universidade de São Paulo (FAU-USP), in Brazil, and completed a Master of Arts in Communication Design at the University of Applied Sciences Mainz...

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    • Música de Chuteiras, 2014

      1 items, Exhibition

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    Música de Chuteiras (the sound of Soccer Cleats) was an exhibition about music related to World Cups, from national anthems to popular songs, of both international and Brazilian production. The design gives the songs form and spatial presence, as if people were singing them. In order to achieve that, the text was modulated like a football crowd in a stadium, setting each line of text very close to each other on an irregular path. Exhibition design by Álvaro Razuk and Isa Gebara.

    • Client:

    • SESC – The Social Service of Commerce
    • Sector:

    • Countries:

    • Disciplines:

    • Details:

    • Flyer
    • Interface
    • Layout
    • Logo
    • Print
    • Product
    • Supergraphics
    Flávia Nalon, Brazil (2013)

    Flávia Nalon graduated as architect at the Universidade de São Paulo (FAU-USP), in Brazil, and completed a Master of Arts in Communication Design at the University of Applied Sciences Mainz (FH Mainz), in Germany. In 2003 she founded with Fábio Prata ps.2 arquitetura + design, a studio that creates and develops graphic design projects for both print and digital media. The studio is mainly involved on projects for clients within the cultural field: visual identity, environmental and exhibition graphics, wayfinding, editorial design and websites. ps.2 has received over 100 national and international prizes, including the German ‘best of the best’ red dot award and TDC New York and Tokyo awards, and was twice chosen as ‘studio of the year’ by the Latin American Design Awards. The studio has been published and exhibited worldwide, in countries such as Brazil, Germany, England, France, The Netherlands, USA, Mexico and Japan. Flávia teaches, gives talks and workshops regularly.



    Transparent: Transparencies in Design


    • Victionary


    Transparency is a powerful attribute in design, carrying a personality that can be as glaring as hues. It extends and limits vision, spawns a sense of presence and absence and conceals and reveals content, luring viewers into exploring what lies beneath and beyond. Whether it is a tangible element or a conceptual idea that deceives the eyes, it is this beguiling layer that can make all the difference.

    Ten Designers, Three Generations


    • AGI Brazil

    AGI Brazil

    Neon: New Fluorescent Graphics


    • Victionary


    This fourth volume in the Palette series examines the brightest palette yet - neon. Though there were earlier appearances, notably the paintings of Andy Warhol, neon hit its stride in the 1980s - appropriated as an aesthetic of the punk rock movement for its boldness. While trends in art and design are often cyclical through time, they are also capable of lateral transmission, readily informing other design disciplines upon their reappearance.

    Novum: world of graphic design


    • Bettina Schulz


    Art in Books


    • Sendpoints


    Art in Book is a collection of the world's most creative book designs. Only book designs with distinctive features in format, structure, binding, material, technology ect. are selected to be presented with pictures that demonstrate the overall effect, structure, techniques, texture and layout. Meanwhile, more detailed information on materials and techniques is provided through description, aiming to bring to readers not only a visual feast but also a fount of knowledge.



    • Macarena San Martin


    Diagraphics delivers the ultimate word on information graphics design. In the tradition of Edward Tufte’s Envisioning Information, Stephen Few’s Show Me the Numbers, and Kim Baer’s Information Design Workbook, Chilean designer Macarena San Martín offers a definitive look at the cutting edge of clear, powerful design for bar graphs, line graphs, scatterplots, pie charts, area maps, and all manner of modern display graphs.

    Design 360° Magazine: Brazil Issue #28


    • Sandu Cultural Media

    Sandu Cultural Media

    How many of us would even know that besides the stereotyped, Brazil still has something more. Here we have excellent designers grew up under the hybrid culture; we have amazing modern design that can compare with that of the western developed countries; and we have the biggest design feast in Latin America – Brazilian Graphic Design Biennial and te second oldest art festival in the world – São Paulo Art Biennial.

    Vivid! – The Allure of Color in Design


    • Sandu Publishing Co., Limited

    Artpower International Publishing

    The Allure of Color in Design. What can you find in the word colouring besides colour and -ing? Yes, its luring. As one of the essential elements in visual communication, colour has become a strategy to well present the soul of a design and makes it remarkable by catching the eyes of audiences. Featuring the representative visual identity design worldwide, Vivid tells how to lure the target audiences in a blink and to promote the brand in a long run.

    Creating Great Graphic Design to a Budget


    • Scott Witham


    Creating Great Graphic Design on a Budget is both a cost-cutting primer and ideas sourcebook for creating top-of-the-line designs on razor-thin budgets. Design and marketing budgets are getting slashed across the board in every industry around the globe. At the same time customers are spending less, so both businesses and their marketing tools must work harder than ever.

    Studio Culture: The Secret Life of a Graphic Design Studio


    • Tony Brook,
    • Adrian Shaughnessy

    Unit Editions

    Studio Culture provides a unique glimpse into the inner workings of 28 leading graphic design studios. In a series of penetrating interviews, the mechanics of building and maintaining a vibrant studio culture are laid bare with disarming frankness. It is a book for both seasoned professionals who have been running studios for years, and for idealistic designers contemplating starting up. It is the complete guide to creating, maintaining and growing a studio culture.

    IdN v16n4: Self Promotion Issue


    • IdN

    Systems Design

    There are few professions for which self-promotion is more important then that of graphic designers, for it is on the material that they produce to sell their own services that they will be judged. Our biggest-ever feature, presenting the self-referential work of 25 artists and their views on how best to introduce yourself to the world.

    Design No Hikidashi


    • Graphic-sha Publishing

    Graphic-sha Publishing



    ISTD International Typographic Awards Exhibition


    Rooftop Foyer, De La Warr Pavilion, East Sussex

    AGI Posters International Exhibition


    Museu da Língua Portuguesa, São Paulo

    Brazil’s 10th Graphic Design Biennial


    Memorial da América Latina, São Paulo

    III Bienal Ibero-americana de Design


    Central de Diseño del Complejo Cultural Matadero Madrid, Madrid

    Conversões: Criação/ Mídia/ Linguagem


    Senac, São Paulo

    Um Cartaz para São Paulo


    Centro Maria Antônia, São Paulo



    Sesc Pompéia, São Paulo

    Poster Festival Ljubljana ’09


    National Gallery of Slovenia, Ljubljana

    Creative Art Session


    Kawasaki City Museum, Kawasaki

    Brazil’s 9th Graphic Design Biennial


    Memorial da América Latina, São Paulo

    Brazil’s 8th Graphic Design Biennial


    Memorial da América Latina, São Paulo

    Brésil à l’Affiche


    Les silos - Maison du livre et de l'affiche, Chaumont

    Brazil’s 7th Graphic Design Biennial


    Memorial da América Latina, São Paulo



    Vernacular Type: An Experimental Graphic Reading of the Spontaneous

    • Undergraduate

    2001 – 2002

    • FAU – USP (Brazil)

    Research, documentation and graphic experimentation about the existing vernacular typography in the city of São Paulo, valuing the spontaneity and visual opulence contained in this form of expression. Tracing a parallel between the text “Manuelzão e Miguilim”, by Brazilian writer Guimarães Rosa, and the vision of the metropolis’ inhabitant, the result is a book divided in two main parts: type documentation and the free experimentation based on these images.

    Gut zum Druck

    • Postgraduate

    2011 – 2012

    • University of Applied Sciences Mainz (Germany)

    Having as central issue the emergence of typographic principles and how they can be interpreted, an extensive research gathers thoughts, statements, theories and rules about typography, as well as images of recent works. On the online tool, texts and images are placed side by side and can be sorted by means of different criteria, allowing the analysis of contemporary graphic design from the typographic principles perspective.



    25º N Design


    • 25º N Design – Faculdades Integradas Rio Branco, São Paulo, Brazil

    Entrevista Aberta ps.2 arquitetura + design


    • Escola Livre at Itaú Cultural, Brazil

    AGI Congress São Paulo


    • AGI Congress São Paulo, Brazil




    • 2014

    ISTD International Typographic Awards
    • 2013

    Brazil’s 10th Graphic Design Biennial
    • 2012

    III Bienal Ibero-americana de Design
    • 2011

    red dot award: communication design
    • 2011

    Designpreis Deutschland
    • 2010

    best of the best at the red dot award: communication design
    • 2010

    Designpreis Deutschland 2011
    • 2010

    First prize on the Text Book category of the 20th Brazilian Graphic Excellence Award Fernando Pini; São Paulo, Brazil
    • 2009

    red dot award: communication design
    • 2009

    Poster Festival Ljubljana ‘09, as part of the 4ª Bienal de Artes Visuais
    • 2008

    Brazil’s 9th Graphic Design Biennial
    • 2006

    Brazil’s 8th Graphic Design Biennial
    • 2004

    4th Max Feffer Grafic Design Award
    • 2004

    Brazil’s 7th Graphic Design Biennial

    Other Professional Activities

    • Jury – Poster Contest of the 27th editions of the Prêmio Design Museu da Casa Brasileira; São Paulo, Brazil

      – 2013