Mediums of Language

Jacqueline Casey

‘Mediums of Language’, 760 x 610mm, 1977. Poster design: Jacqueline Casey.

Images of Mediums of Language

  1. Image 1 — casey3 (Mediums of Language)

    Jacqueline Casey, USA (1974)

    Jacqueline Casey is defined by her work with MIT. She worked as a staff member from 1955 onwards at the MIT Office of Publications– an official publishing arm of the...

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    • Mediums of Language, 1977

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    ‘Mediums of Language’, 760 x 610mm, 1977. Poster design: Jacqueline Casey.

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    • MIT
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    • Poster
    • Typography
    Jacqueline Casey, USA (1974)

    Jacqueline Casey is defined by her work with MIT. She worked as a staff member from 1955 onwards at the MIT Office of Publications– an official publishing arm of the MIT Corporation for issuing all institutional publications – and was appointed its director in 1972 – following the tenure of John Mattill and William Struble, both editors as part of a move to reshape the function of the office into a design service, known from then on as MIT Office of Design Services until its closure. In 1982 she was given the Design Leadership Award by the AIGA alongside her colleagues at the MIT Office of Publications. She developed a highly individualistic graphic style, consistent in itself, yet capable of the greatest variety. Her control of all visual communication material for MIT created a powerful yet appropriate and well-known image for the university.