
Frederick Vincent Carabott

Griechenland (Greece), German poster for the Greek Tourist Board, 1961.

Images of Griechenland

  1. Image 1 — Carabott 03 (Griechenland)

    Frederick Vincent Carabott, UK (1968)

    Frederick Vincent Carabott was of mixed Anglo-Greek parentage. He studied in London at the Chelsea School of Art and St Martin’s School of Arts and Crafts (1950–53). He returned to...

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    • Griechenland, 1961

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    Griechenland (Greece), German poster for the Greek Tourist Board, 1961.

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    • Illustration
    • Poster
    Frederick Vincent Carabott, UK (1968)

    Is of mixed Anglo-Greek parentage. Studied 1950–53 in London at Chelsea School of Art and St Martin’s School of Arts and Crafts. Returned to Greece and in 1957 became art consultant to Aspioti-Elka Graphic Arts and Pictures magazine, both of Athens. Has since acted in the same capacity for many other organizations, including until 1967 the Greek Tourist Board, which was awarded the 1962 Golden Tulip from the International Advertising Association for work done largely under his direction. In 1962, he co-founded K+K Athens Publicity Centre (now K+K/Univas). Director of studies and lecturer at Hellenic American Institute of Graphic Arts (since re-named Homer/ Omiros), 1968–71. Awarded prize at 1962 Livorno International Tourist Poster Exhibition and Rizzoli awards in 1964, 1965, 1966 and 1968. The King of Greece awarded him the Golden Cross of the Order of the Phoenix, in recognition of outstanding contribution to graphic design. He now works as a freelance and has written several books.