DEcontructing Type / Typeface design

Jennifer Sterling

Typeface design

Images of DEcontructing Type / Typeface design

  1. Image 1 — 12509347 1028625847201020 4593744026107519755 n (DEcontructing Type / Typeface design)

    Jennifer Sterling, USA (2000)

    Jennifer Sterling (an AGI member since 2000) founded Sterling Design in 1998. She is a designer, artist, typographer, illustrator, writer and educator. Her work has been included in the permanent...

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    • DEcontructing Type / Typeface design, 2016

      1 items, Exhibition

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    Typeface design

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    • Sterling Design
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    • Details:

    • Typeface
    • Typography
    Jennifer Sterling, USA (2000)

    Jennifer Sterling (an AGI member since 2000) founded Sterling Design in 1998. She is a designer, artist, typographer, illustrator, writer and educator. Her work has been included in the permanent collections of The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, The Library of Congress, Bibliotheque Nationale de France, Museum Fur Kunst Und Gewerbe, Hamburg and the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum. The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art hosted a three-month solo show entitled "Jennifer Sterling: Selections from the Permanent Collection of Architecture and Design" and has been included in eight of their group shows to date. Numerous groups including the New York Type Directors Club, American Center for Design, Communication Arts, Graphis, The Society of Illustrators, I.D. Magazine, Print Magazine, How Magazine and AdWeek have recognized her work for a wide range of clients in the technology, arts and education arenas. She has received over two thousand awards for her work in the field of branding, design, packaging, textile design, book and web design. Graphis named her "One of the Top Ten Designers in the World."