Company wine

Dominic Hofstede

Label series for a small wine manufacturer that uses artist James Drinkwater’s distinctive handwriting as an analogy for the iterative process of wine-making.

Images of Company wine

  1. Image 1 — Company wine 1 (Company wine)

    Dominic Hofstede, Australia (2023)

    Dominic Hofstede is a designer, writer and educator. His eponymous studio Hofstede Design (1996–2015) was renowned for typographic rigour. In 2017 he joined branding studio MAUD, overseeing large-scale identity projects...

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    • Company wine, 2017

      1 items, Packaging / product

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    Label series for a small wine manufacturer that uses artist James Drinkwater’s distinctive handwriting as an analogy for the iterative process of wine-making.

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    • Company Wine
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    Dominic Hofstede, Australia (2023)

    Dominic Hofstede is a designer, writer and educator. His eponymous studio Hofstede Design (1996–2015) was renowned for typographic rigour. In 2017 he joined branding studio MAUD, overseeing large-scale identity projects for iconic brands including Holden and Australia Post. In 2020 he was invited to join the international design collective Mucho as its first Australian partner.

    His interest in design history led to the establishment of, an online archive of Australian graphic design from 1960–1990. The project’s scope has evolved to encompass exhibitions, campaigns, talks, published texts, publications and a typeface. In 2014 he was appointed an adjunct senior research fellow at Monash Art, Design and Architecture.

    His career-long commitment to education has included mentoring, lecturing and teaching roles with numerous educational institutions, including Monash, Swinburne, RMIT and Ballarat Universities.

