Brand Research Brochure

Andréas Netthoevel

Images of Brand Research Brochure

  1. Image 1 — Andreas Netthoevel Swiss-Federal-Institute-of-Intellectual-Property 2001 (Brand Research Brochure )

    Andréas Netthoevel, Switzerland (1998)

    Andréas Netthoevel studied graphic design, colour consultancy and design (International Association of Colour Consultants/Designers: IACC) and photography (1979–86). After several jobs as a graphic designer, Netthoevel founded his own design...

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    • Brand Research Brochure , 2001

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    • Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property
    Andréas Netthoevel, Switzerland (1998)

    Andréas Netthoevel studied graphic design, colour consultancy and design (International Association of Colour Consultants/Designers: IACC) and photography (1979–86). After several jobs as a graphic designer, Netthoevel founded his own design studio Second Floor South in Biel, Switzerland in 1990, where he has worked together with AGI member Martin Gaberthüel since 1995. Second Floor South is in constant search of the well-known, combining it with new customer specific tasks. This way of working has been regularly awarded. Activities include editorials, corporate designs, posters, art in architecture and objects. Since 2000 Andréas Netthoevel has also taught at the Hochschule der Künste, Berne, Switzerland.