Barcelona Olympic Games 1992

Tomàs Vellvé

Poster for the Barcelona Olympic Games, 1992. Vellvé said: ‘This is my first choice because it has received several mentions in the design industry. On a personal level, I felt very satisfied with it and rejoiced when I completed it,’ in First Choice by Ken Cato.

Images of Barcelona Olympic Games 1992

  1. Image 1 — Tomas Vellve Poster-for-the-Barcelona-Olympic-Games 1992 (Barcelona Olympic Games 1992)

    Tomàs Vellvé, Spain (1967)

    In 1942, Tomàs Vellvé started to work in Barcelona as a draughtsman, gaining experience in printing and reproduction techniques, while studying drawing, typography, photography and printmaking. In 1948 he moved...

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    • Barcelona Olympic Games 1992, 1992

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    Poster for the Barcelona Olympic Games, 1992. Vellvé said: ‘This is my first choice because it has received several mentions in the design industry. On a personal level, I felt very satisfied with it and rejoiced when I completed it,’ in First Choice by Ken Cato.

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    • Illustration
    • Poster
    • Typography
    Tomàs Vellvé, Spain (1967)

    In 1942, Vellvé started to work in Barcelona as a draughtsman, gaining experience in printing and reproduction techniques, while studying drawing, typography, photography and printmaking. In 1948 he moved to Madrid, continuing his studies in graphic and applied arts. He was also a type designer and got his first commission in 1970. His typeface Jambage Sec Ibérique was later renamed Vellvé. He designed several typefaces, including his first digital one: a very special sans serif that stands between the geometry-based Futura and the industrial sans serifs like Helvetica. Perhaps a bit confusingly, this one is also called Vellvé. He had several exhibitions in Barcelona, Canada, the US, eastern and western Europe, Israel and Brazil. Vellvé represented his country at the International Congress of Montreal in 1965. He received numerous awards for his posters, graphic design and his art. His work is in collections in Berlin, Honolulu, Warsaw, Barcelona, Belgrade, Brno, New York and Dublin.