亞洲線條技術 Asian Behavior of Lineness ①

Chia-Hsing HO

①小楷 ⟪心經⟫ "The Heart Sūtra" in Small Script, 2012╱ ②﹣③ ⟪2016台灣美術雙年展⟫ : 寫字 "2016 Taiwan Biennial": Writing Words, 2016╱ ④季風 Monsoon, 2018. 身土 Non-duality of Body and Earth, 2023. 甘露水 Daughter of Nectar, 2024╱ ⑤地景黑體 Heiti, 寫貌明體 Mingti, 藝術楷體 Kaiti, 2023╱ ⑥拉丁字母 Latin Letters: Synchronic Constellation, 2013╱ ⑦ ⟪十三聲⟫ 顏色手稿 Colored Manuscript of "13 Tongues", 2006╱ ⑧手稿 : 貓 Manuscript: Cats, 2006╱ ⑨素描 : 馬 Sketch : A Horse, 2006╱ ⑩Timonium Lake, 2009. 歌仔戲後台 Backstage of Taiwanese Opera, 2010

Images of 亞洲線條技術 Asian Behavior of Lineness ①

  1. Image 1 — Asian Behavior of Lineness① 1 (亞洲線條技術 Asian Behavior of Lineness ①)
  2. Image 2 — Asian Behavior of Lineness① 2 (亞洲線條技術 Asian Behavior of Lineness ①)
  3. Image 3 — Asian Behavior of Lineness① 3 (亞洲線條技術 Asian Behavior of Lineness ①)
  4. Image 4 — Asian Behavior of Lineness① 4 (亞洲線條技術 Asian Behavior of Lineness ①)
  5. Image 5 — Asian Behavior of Lineness① 5 (亞洲線條技術 Asian Behavior of Lineness ①)
  6. Image 6 — Asian Behavior of Lineness① 6 (亞洲線條技術 Asian Behavior of Lineness ①)
  7. Image 7 — Asian Behavior of Lineness① 7 (亞洲線條技術 Asian Behavior of Lineness ①)
  8. Image 8 — Asian Behavior of Lineness① 8 (亞洲線條技術 Asian Behavior of Lineness ①)
  9. Image 9 — Asian Behavior of Lineness① 9 (亞洲線條技術 Asian Behavior of Lineness ①)
  10. Image 10 — Asian Behavior of Lineness① 10 (亞洲線條技術 Asian Behavior of Lineness ①)

    Chia-Hsing HO, Taiwan/Chinese Taipei (2017)

    HO Chia-hsing is nourished in his artistic designs by the rich cultural atmosphere of Dadaocheng, an old city district in Taipei. HO established a graphic design studio called the “Timonium...

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    • 亞洲線條技術 Asian Behavior of Lineness ①, 2024

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    ①小楷 ⟪心經⟫ "The Heart Sūtra" in Small Script, 2012╱ ②﹣③ ⟪2016台灣美術雙年展⟫ : 寫字 "2016 Taiwan Biennial": Writing Words, 2016╱ ④季風 Monsoon, 2018. 身土 Non-duality of Body and Earth, 2023. 甘露水 Daughter of Nectar, 2024╱ ⑤地景黑體 Heiti, 寫貌明體 Mingti, 藝術楷體 Kaiti, 2023╱ ⑥拉丁字母 Latin Letters: Synchronic Constellation, 2013╱ ⑦ ⟪十三聲⟫ 顏色手稿 Colored Manuscript of "13 Tongues", 2006╱ ⑧手稿 : 貓 Manuscript: Cats, 2006╱ ⑨素描 : 馬 Sketch : A Horse, 2006╱ ⑩Timonium Lake, 2009. 歌仔戲後台 Backstage of Taiwanese Opera, 2010

    • Countries:

    Chia-Hsing HO, Taiwan/Chinese Taipei (2017)

    HO Chia-hsing is nourished in his artistic designs by the rich cultural atmosphere of Dadaocheng, an old city district in Taipei.

    HO established a graphic design studio called the “Timonium Lake” in 2006. In 2019, with partners at work, he runs the “Monsoon Culture Plasticizing Work Team”, focusing on the rapid changes in the design industries of Taiwan and East Asia. His team uses the calligraphic line of traditional Chinese scripts as means to create modern designs. In collaboration with artists in different fields, his team fuses local Taiwan culture with their spiritual nourishment in their plastic arts and design works.

    何佳興成長在台灣台北老城區大稻埕一帶。 2006年成立「Timonium lake」設計工作室, 持續和不同領域創作者合作, 學習經驗島上文化生態。 2019年參與「季風文化造型工作團隊」, 從台灣文化土壤生態和傳統書寫經驗發展亞洲線條的技術和方法。



    Demo-Art: Culture Plasticizing Movement n.0 Now


    Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, TNUA, New Taipei City




    • 2014, 2017

    金蝶獎「金獎」Golden Butterfly Award "Gold Medal"
    • 2015

    Tokyo TDC Annual Awards "Prize Nominee Work"
    • 2017

    金點設計獎「年度最佳設計」Golden Pin Design Award "Best Design of the Year"
    • 2020

    金曲獎「最佳專輯裝幀設計」Golden Melody Awards "Best Album Design"