扁黑体 Extended Heiti

Guodong Zhan

Extended Heiti is a wide heiti font. The structure is uniform, full, expanded, and the impression of stability and stability is pursued; In the stroke details, the starting and ending shapes retained the traditional heiti style, makes it full details, elegant and charming.

Images of 扁黑体 Extended Heiti

  1. Image 1 — 扁黑体 (扁黑体 Extended Heiti)

    Guodong Zhan, China (2022)

    Professor of Dalian Minzu University Contracted designer of Hanyi Fonts The founder of Ricloud Type Studio Member of SGDA (Shenzhen Graphic Design Association) Memberof the Nanjing Graphic Designers Member of...

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    • 扁黑体 Extended Heiti, 2023

      1 items, Type Design

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    Extended Heiti is a wide heiti font. The structure is uniform, full, expanded, and the impression of stability and stability is pursued; In the stroke details, the starting and ending shapes retained the traditional heiti style, makes it full details, elegant and charming.

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    • Typeface
    Guodong Zhan, China (2022)

    Professor of Dalian Minzu University
    Contracted designer of Hanyi Fonts
    The founder of Ricloud Type Studio
    Member of SGDA (Shenzhen Graphic Design Association)
    Memberof the Nanjing Graphic Designers
    Member of ATypl (Association Typographique Internationale)


    • Ricloud Type

      03/2017 – present