人文黑体 Renwen Heiti

Guodong Zhan

A text Heiti font design to render content stable, tender, and easier to read. “Renwen" means “humanity”, the typeface is more tender than normal Heiti font.

Images of 人文黑体 Renwen Heiti

  1. Image 1 — 战国栋 AGI 作品页面 10 (人文黑体 Renwen Heiti)
  2. Image 2 — 战国栋 AGI 作品页面 11 (人文黑体 Renwen Heiti)
  3. Image 3 — 战国栋 AGI 作品页面 12 (人文黑体 Renwen Heiti)

    Guodong Zhan, China (2022)

    Professor of Dalian Minzu University Contracted designer of Hanyi Fonts The founder of Ricloud Type Studio Member of SGDA (Shenzhen Graphic Design Association) Memberof the Nanjing Graphic Designers Member of...

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    • 人文黑体 Renwen Heiti, 2013

      3 items, Type Design

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    A text Heiti font design to render content stable, tender, and easier to read. “Renwen" means “humanity”, the typeface is more tender than normal Heiti font.

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    • Ricloud Type
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    • Typeface
    Guodong Zhan, China (2022)

    Professor of Dalian Minzu University
    Contracted designer of Hanyi Fonts
    The founder of Ricloud Type Studio
    Member of SGDA (Shenzhen Graphic Design Association)
    Memberof the Nanjing Graphic Designers
    Member of ATypl (Association Typographique Internationale)


    • Ricloud Type

      03/2017 – present